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Cannot hear plug in
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Can't hear sound post plu...
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  Mackie ProFX12V3+ as a Jamkazam interface?
Posted by: bluezfish - 12-17-2024, 05:30 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - No Replies

Can the USB port from a Mackie ProFX12V3+ be used as an acceptable external Jamkazam interface?  Will purchase this unit iff I can see an indication that this would be an acceptable audio interface to be used with Jamkazam


  3rd Gen Focusrite Scarlet 212 issues
Posted by: Ascott - 12-09-2024, 12:06 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - Replies (2)

Hi all, new member here, I wonder if someone would ve able to help with issues I am experiencing with the above.

Audio from the Scarlett isn’t registering in JK, I can see it in the sound section of the system settings and other apps such as Garageband and Logic but nothing in JK.

The Scarlett appears in JK and I am able to perform the full set up as per all the guides and audio from JK is audible via the monitoring from the Scarlett, I just can’t get audio into JK.

All software and operating systems are up to date and the Macbook is a Macbook Pro M1.

Thanks in advance.  Smile

  Imac Sequoia problems
Posted by: Russ Olsen - 12-05-2024, 05:28 PM - Forum: Help with Mac Client Problems - Replies (1)

Hello, I have been having issues with my Imac running Sequoia. Jamkazam does not show in privacy and security. I know the gear works because I can do sessions on my macbook. Everything works, I can see myself but there is no input signal. I started a session and invited a friend and I could hear them fine. They could not gear me. It seems I have tried everything to get JK to show in microphone under privacy security. Any suggestions? Thanks

  Low audio on mic only
Posted by: Debbie Tee - 09-27-2024, 05:32 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - Replies (1)

Since most recent update, my mic volume is extremely low and requires setting a super high gain in order to be audible at all.  Tried different cords, mics and interfaces w same result!

  High jitter with new release
Posted by: SammerJammer - 09-23-2024, 02:33 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - Replies (1)

I've been using JK regularly for over 4 years, always with the same equipment that I have now. It took a lot of fidgeting and experimenting with settings to arrive at a good configuration of the app and my audio interface driver but once I got it (4.3ms audio interface latency, jitter saw-toothing between 0 and 0.53ms) it's all been fine for years. I never installed the long-term beta release but just stayed on the prior release.

Fast-forward to yesterday, when I was forced to install the new update: 

First off, my audio settings were gone. Not a big deal, I went through the "add audio gear" screens.

When I started a private session to test it, I was getting all kinds of jitter - hovering over my 'dot' showed high jitter numbers and I heard a lot of crackling. Adjusting the frame size larger did nothing but add more latency. I doubled and triple checked all my driver settings, and even tried different buffer sizes, sample rates, etc. Same thing.

During one of my testing iterations I noticed something: when my session first started, in the first few moments where you can hear yourself but before your "input" and "output" mixes appear, all sounded fine. As soon as the UI filled in that information with the audio bar graphs the jitter went crazy. Then I noticed when I moved my mouse past any clickable element on the JK UI I also got a crackle. Ahh, something to do with the graphics maybe. I then minimized the app and my sound returned to normal. When I brought it to the forefront again, the issue returned.

I joined a session with some people I know and they verified that when my UI was active that my sound was garbled and my jitter was off the charts, but when I minimized the app then things were normal. They did notice that my CPU usage was high. Checking in Windows task manager I saw that my CPU was around 61%, almost all of that coming from the JK app.

Then a bell went off: years ago, the prevailing advice was to set the JK process priority to "High" in task manager. I checked and it was still set that way. Changing it to "Normal" lowered my CPU usage to around 40% (still all JK) but my jitter and sound problems went away.

So it appears that the JK UI update is very processor intensive and can weigh down an older machine (I have a Gen 3 Core i5, SSD, 8GB RAM, Windows 10). If you are having similar issues (I know of another Jammer with this jitter issue since update) then you might try the same thing: check your process priority and try a lower priority to see if it corrects your problems  (https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-10/how-...indows-10/). I doubt JK will look into this (JK's high CPU utilization) so we're on our own here. Maybe my resolution will help you find yours.

I hope this helps.

  Cannot hear plug in
Posted by: Francis - 09-23-2024, 01:13 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Effects Plugins - No Replies

Hi there:

I am using a Mac computer. Jamkazam recognizes my audio interface and sets up the inputs and outputs correctly. When I select a plug in however, it plays the pre plug in clean signal, rather than the post plug in sound. I should be hearing a distorted guitar sound, but I am hearing a clean guitar sound. Can someone advise as to what the issue may be?

Thank-you for your time and expertise.


  Can't hear sound post plug in
Posted by: Francis - 09-22-2024, 11:41 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - No Replies

 I am able to hear my guitar but for some reason, it does not let me hear the guitar signal post my plug in. I should be hearing a distorted guitar sound, but I am only hear the clean sound. I can see the guitar signal drive the volume meters I=on my plug in, and on the Jam Kazam app, but I don;t hear the distorted signal. 

Advice would be very much appreciated!



  Mac Plug In Issue?
Posted by: Francis - 09-22-2024, 11:40 PM - Forum: Help with Mac Client Problems - No Replies

I am not sure if this is a Mac problem, but it may be.

I am able to hear my guitar but for some reason, it does not let me hear the guitar signal post my plug in. I should be hearing a distorted guitar sound, but I am only hear the clean sound. 

Advice would be very much appreciated!



  Problems with latest Release (
Posted by: ellis@hillinger.org - 09-17-2024, 04:56 AM - Forum: Help with Live Jamming Sessions - Replies (6)

A week ago I received an automatic update to Build 2.0 -, which I am running on a Windows 10 system.  We have had several cases where the application appears to hang, and further investigation determined that the (now unresponsive) app is utilizing 30% of the CPU.  Killing the task and restarting it clears the problem temporarily.  Is anyone else encountering this problem?

  Build 2.00 - video not working, Mac
Posted by: patc890 - 09-10-2024, 06:55 PM - Forum: Help with Video Gear - Replies (2)

Hi, I just updated to Build 2.00 - as was suggested in an email from Jamkazam. Everything seemed to go ok except I can't get the video to work. It was working fine before.

When I start a session I don't get the "Video System" choice up top. When I look in my account and look at Video gear it says it can't detect a web cams?

The camera is connected and works fine in things like Zoom & FaceTime. In my system preferences it says Jamkazam has access to my camera?

On Jamkazam's website it says that if I'm having trouble with the new version I should download an older version(and gives a link). I did this and when I try to run it it won't let me until I download the latest version.

Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be?