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  Instrument Checkbox Missing for RSVP
Posted by: misterpatrick - 05-24-2020, 02:24 AM - Forum: Help with Mac Client Problems - No Replies


I am running the latest client on OSX 10.13.6 (High Sierra). Tried to RSVP to an upcoming jam and the checkbox next to instrument was not visible so I was unable to RSVP. I have never RSVP'd before so not sure if it worked previously. I'm assuming it's supposed to be next to the requested instruments. Thanks!

  no sound on session recording playback
Posted by: spacelawyer@yahoo.com - 05-23-2020, 09:09 PM - Forum: Help with Windows Client Problems - Replies (3)

I'm new to JK and trying to start a new band remotely. When I tested out JK on solo, the playback review started and finished but there was no sound. What am I doing wrong or not doing? Thank you!

  Reduction of Internet latency in sessions...
Posted by: StuartR - 05-23-2020, 12:58 PM - Forum: New Feature Requests - Replies (10)

I know that the JK team recently announced they were forging ahead on their project to somehow reduce the biggest issue for JK users... Internet latency.

Anyone hazard a technical guess about how this could be accomplished? They're already using UDP peer to peer connections. Is there another protocol that could be used that could be run on a lower level (level 3?) of the IP network?

The top contributors to delay in packet networks are propagation delay (i.e., the speed of light in fiber), queuing delay, and serialization delay (the time to write packets to the wire). Seems like only the last two of these are candidates for improvement.

Just trying to start a discussion in advance of the JK team announcing something specific.

  Internet latency problems
Posted by: SteveW - 05-23-2020, 12:19 PM - Forum: Help with Network Gear - Replies (15)

I play with a 4-piece band and we are using JamKazam to rehearse during lockdown. We all live within 10 miles of each other and are all using wired ethernet connections. The other 3 band members experience very little latency between them, but I seem to have a much greater Internet latency and one that varies wildly from about 20ms to over 100ms. I use the same ISP as 2 of the other band members. 

I am using a Behringer UM2 interface and a MacBook running Catalina. My interface latency is 10ms, using a frame size of 2ms. This is not great but within usable limits.

I have tried leaving JamKazam and doing an internet speed test, using one of the publicly-available test sites. Having done this a few times, the results are always around 20Mb/s downstream, 1.8Mb/s upstream and a ping latency of around 15ms (to a server in London, at least 70 miles away). This looks as though my internet connection is OK.

Lowering my outgoing bitrate to 128kbit/s improves things a little, but not sufficiently.

Can anyone please suggest what I might do to diagnose or fix this problem--or is it simply that there is a poor internet service in my neighbourhood?

Any suggestions much appreciated.

  Need help with online jam latency issues Dave B
Posted by: Dave B - 05-23-2020, 01:55 AM - Forum: Rehearsals with Choirs or Large Groups - Replies (1)

Need help with online jam latency issues. Dave B

  Beheringer UMC404HD drive shows WDM, not ASIO
Posted by: weihan22315 - 05-22-2020, 03:08 PM - Forum: Help with Audio Gear - Replies (2)


I brought a brand new Behringer UMC404HD two days ago, and downloaded the drive from its website. In Jamkazam it shows WDM driver, not ASIO. Is this expected? I use Windows 10 64bit.

Any information will be greatly appreciated.


  Suppress the Feedback Request window when leaving a session
Posted by: GDJ - 05-22-2020, 01:49 PM - Forum: New Feature Requests - Replies (2)


Can you please suppress the feedback window that comes up every time we Leave the session?  It is cumbersome and an extra click. As a user, I want to leave a session without interruption. Is it safe to say under the current circumstances you are getting plenty of feedback from other sources? one less window to click on would be nice.


  Jam tracks kicking out participants
Posted by: John Navarroli - 05-22-2020, 10:25 AM - Forum: Help with Live Jamming Sessions - No Replies

Just having issues when I play a jam track with others they crash and have to join again.  Anyone else have this problem.  I tried resyncing

  Echo on sound
Posted by: Cobbyco - 05-22-2020, 09:26 AM - Forum: Help with Live Jamming Sessions - Replies (3)


I have just set this up and dived into my first online session.  Quality of sound seemed OK but I was getting an echo on my bass - just one repeat, not a fading echo.

My traffic lights were all green apart from latency which was yellow and saying 11.4ms.  Is that what I'm hearing, the difference between me playing the note and hearing it come back 11.4ms later or something else?

Any ideas for improving it would be great.  I'm using a wired ethernet connection snd running a Behringer UMC202HD on a mac and so don't seem to have much scope for tweaking latency.


  Instrument selection in my profile
Posted by: Alan Murphy - 05-21-2020, 11:41 PM - Forum: Help with Live Jamming Sessions - Replies (4)


I am new to Jamkazam and play Pedal Steel Guitar, is there any way I can specify my instrument in my icon correctly.

The Instrument selection options I have seem to be electric guitar or other

Is there any way to better define my instrument for others to know what I play when joining sessions ?

Many thanks,