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Recorded Tracks not synchronised
I found that using a second computer for DAW function yields better results, or use an external sound module rather than software synths.

What I've seen is that even with a very fast computer, higher jitter occurs whenever additional tasks are run. I started using an external FX module for reverb on vocals, and my old Macbook for Logic, which is driving an external synth module along with MTron (software Mellotron). With this setup, I have jitter < .7ms, averaging .3ms

I have a friend who uses multiple iPads for loops and effects, and an external mixer. He told me this setup keeps his jitter down around the .5ms range.
I am noticing a NEW alignment/synchronization problem with exported tracks:

We record eight tracks with 4 people, latency is low and tolerable while playing. All tracks upload and then download back to my PC.

I export the tracks, since the mix NEVER succeeds. I drag them to Audacity or Pro Tools.

In the past this work fine. Now, MY tracks are always misaligned with the others, slightly ahead of the rest of the tracks. It is such a small difference it is impossible to precisely manually realign.

Why is this now happening, with just MY tracks, and is there a good technique to realign these two tracks in Audacity, ProTools, or another tool?

And I would like to echo the questions I am seeing around the Forums: When are we going to see some of the fixes we have been promised for over a year? It is getting old to have to band-aid everything.

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