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Mac JamKazam fails to detect video hardware. Please help!
On my MacBook Pro, running Mac OS Catalina, either version 10.15.3 or 10.15.4, JamKazam client has the following bug:

- When you install the client, it detects the audio hardware correctly.
- It asks permission to use the audio microphone, and you grant the permission, and it works.
- It does not detect the video hardware (the built in camera on Macbook Pro).
- It does not ask you for permission to grant to the camera.
- The Video Gear page is completely grayed out, you cannot select anything on that page.
- Video hardware does not work and JamKazam cannot use video on Mac.
- Screen shot is attached.

If you go into Mac's control panel, Security and Privacy, and select the "camera" option, there is not any button to manually add camera permissions, so I am unable to select and specify JamKazam can use the camera. So this cannot be used as a workaround.

Someone please help me get videos working, so that our band can have low-latency rehearsals and concerts using JamKazam. 

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help with this.

I also confirm this. Excellently written-up. I'm glad to have found this post.
I had the same problem (JamKazam not recognizing built-in camera for setup: MacBook with OS 10.125.4), but when I started a session, then clicked on the video button (which in my case was not grayed out), I received a dialog to grant permission for JamKazam to use the camera, which I granted, and camera (video) worked fine.
(03-31-2020, 09:57 PM)ricecgr Wrote: I had the same problem (JamKazam not recognizing built-in camera for setup: MacBook with OS 10.125.4), but when I started a session, then clicked on the video button (which in my case was not grayed out), I received a dialog to grant permission for JamKazam to use the camera, which I granted, and camera (video) worked fine.

That is an amazing idea! I never got far enough to try starting a session. I should have thought of that!

I just tried launching JamKazam to try out this idea, but then it downloaded an update (!), and, lo and behold, the video camera settings just work again! I didn't even have to try the workaround you described.

So, long story short: This bug is now solved in the latest release of JamKazam! 

You are correct about the update. I received an email from JamKazam saying just that - the new update has fixed this issue.
(04-01-2020, 06:41 PM)ricecgr Wrote: You are correct about the update. I received an email from JamKazam saying just that - the new update has fixed this issue.

I think it's too bad they rolled back this update  Sad
Video is back off again in Catalina.
It worked like a charm for me in 10.15.4 and the overall feel of the app was smooth and swift.

All it takes 'to make it work' is starting the app - once - 'as admin' (ctrl-click&'open'). This is the fact with a lot of third party software on Catalina.
I guess if one doesn't know (or can't find this info) these things, it be better to stick to Windows.

NB - allthough for bandwith reasons we ofcourse play without video it is nice to at least be able to turn it on for the 'Hi & Bye moments' and when just talking.
:-( see Forum Announcement: JamKazam 2020 April 4th Update - fingers crossed for the 7th
The update has been delayed (8th today)? Or has the issue been fixed for you guys?
(04-08-2020, 10:55 AM)AnneZw Wrote: The update has been delayed (8th today)? Or has the issue been fixed for you guys?
For me still not solved. Also Catalina 10.5.4.
After the update of the rollback video does not work anymore.

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