07-12-2020, 04:00 PM
[color=var(--primary-text)]Hello. Please need advice for Mac crackling in headphones. I'm hearing crackling when Audio Framesize is 10 or less. 2018 15" MacbookPro, Catalina 10.15, Analog Behringer 1002FX into M-Audio 192|4. Ethernet direct from modem through USBC dongle. (no wifi) Happens on either my minijack Bowers & Wilkins or OneOdio headphones which are plugged in from Macbook. Tried resetting PRAM. No ASIO driver to adjust as there are no plug ins needed on mac. When tweaking Audio Booster, I tried 128K. Anything above 10ms there is NO crackling however, but I indicate red and not able to join some sessions. In test with uncle, he cannot hear crackling. As an alternative to plugging headphones from MacBook, When I try to use headphones from 192|4, and adjust output source to that from jamkazaam, I only get out of one channel, not stereo. Tried many combinations from audio gear setup. My modem speed test is 115mbps, again, ethernet straight from modem to laptop. Thoughts would be appreciated. thank you in advance.[/color]