I am in Atlanta the other musicians I was playing with last night are in New York and Minnesota. i have a solid internet connection (220 - 250 Mbps download 10 Mbps upload) i am using a Presonus AudioBox iTwo. I am using one of the connections for vocals and the other for an acoustic guitar. In the last couple of weeks, i get cut off and get a fast clipping sound that only stops when i hit the re-sync button. Last night this was happening every 20 - 30 seconds until i gave up the session.
I went back in on my own and set a solo session and didnt have any of the interference. For argument's sake i recorded the couple of songs that i did in this session , just so that i could prove i was going through the application
Any assistance would be appreciated
05-27-2020, 02:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2020, 02:47 PM by Hans Peter Augustesen.)
"solid internet connection (220 - 250 Mbps download 10 Mbps upload)"!?
Not totally solid. In fact, the recommended upload for full function is 25 Mbps.
But 10 Mbps is more than enough for 8 in session - without video, that is.
You should also make a PING test - very important
05-27-2020, 09:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2020, 09:32 PM by Hans Peter Augustesen.)
Yes, a PING test "isn't representative of total latency" in Jamkazam.
A PING test is a important and informative general test for internet connection.
That "TESTMY.NET site" latency test is misleading.
It shows "35 ms Average" - for me
But my PING is actually 13 milliseconds
I also disagree with that recommended 25 Mbps.
I'm really only referring to what is being said by a moderator here in the forum.
Actually - I should have made that very clear before.
A convincing authoritative statement by JamKazam on the matter would sit well.
05-27-2020, 09:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2020, 09:55 PM by Dimitri Muskens.)
There seems to be some (or rather a lot of) debate about the actual bandwidth needed to have a successful experience with online jamming. Be it with JamKazam or any of the other options. Also the 'magical' 25 Mbps seems to come up more often than not, and has indeed also been mentioned by myself. Most figures are being mentioned as examples or guidelines for users to have a basic reference.
Mind you, the actual bandwidth you use jamming with e.g. JamKazam, according to whatever 'scientific' calculation one want's to use to gather that information, is not the maximum or even minimum you want to shoot for. Any use of your connection, and most people would be surprised by what actually passes through their wires, is in addition to what e.g. JKZ uses when you are trying to jam. So, ample overhead in your DL/UL possibilities is desirable for most users with any other network taxing equipment in their household.
Now, moving away from the mystical bandwidth issue for a moment. More important is how 'healthy' your connection is. How much 'noise' or jitter (latency) is being introduced by your LAN, your (any) WiFi use and the networking equipment between you and your jamming peers. Of which most is beyond your control ... .
And because of this "a convincing authoritative statement" regarding this issue would be debatable at best.
05-27-2020, 10:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2020, 11:13 AM by Hans Peter Augustesen.)
Yes, that is almost always the case with a "a convincing authoritative statement".
They can be debated - no surprise, it is totally normal
05-28-2020, 11:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2020, 11:53 AM by Hans Peter Augustesen.)
There was a time when a document existed in which David Wilson (JamKazam's founder or one of them) thoroughly explained what bandwidth required to use JamKazam.
Now that document no longer exists - it was lost last year by some kind of accident
I don't remember everything that was written in that document.
Among other things, he wrote that each person uploaded 0.2-0.3 Mbps audio data.
Obviously, that number is no longer true. Nowadays it is rather 0.4-0.5 Mbps.
What was written about video I do not remember
Regardless, that document was a compelling and authoritative document.
And I see no important reason at all for not designing a similar but updated document.
12-22-2020, 11:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2020, 11:05 PM by manhit88.)
I everybody
About every 30 seconds the sound of my instrument become choppy and buzzy and i have to hit the resync button to solve the problem
I am in a private session with nobody else.
I use the rocksmith cable with a bass instrument
What can cause this problerm ???