We've done a couple of tests, recording a session with audio + video, and each time, the only video that gets recorded is the video of the person who created the session. Is that how it is, for now, or am I doing something wrong? I've tried both "my webcam only" and "all webcams" (I think that was the other option).
We're only trying video for the first time now on JK. It's because of the stay-at-home order, ya know, we thought it'd be a way to connect with our audience...
I thought I remembered seeing something like that! So was the video done outside of Jamkazam?
Yeah that's a great promo.
Mind you, these are not random living room shots of people playing at their homes.
This is a promo video from jkz, shot at set locations with prior well setup and configured equipment.
Also, as it says in the actual video: "The musicians played by ear with each other, no video, just listening and playing"
The image you see is not from webcams running simultaneously with the audio stream.
What you hear in this video is absolutely possible though!
Hmmm...was looking for a solution to the same situation "therealgps" poses above. I was in a session the other night where 3 of the 4 people participating had
cameras and there were 3 images showing on the video screen, but when I recorded the video, it only showed what my camera saw. I had assumed since I'd
seen the promos with 4 distinct frames showing the 4 musicians, each at a different location, playing in perfect sync, that this was a capability of the program.
But after scouring the various video options, I didn't see a single thing that would combine the various video feeds into one composite video showing everybody.
Oh well...