Another new users here, and trying to set up the audio. I have a Presonus AudioBox iOne, and the latest Presonus ASIO driver.
I can configure it for JK and can hear the guitar signal in a test session, and latency etc looks good. However when trying with a friend in a session there is a lot of breakup on my audio.
It appears that JK is using to smallest buffer size that the interface supports, which is 16. This is too small to be stable, which I know from using it with other applications, and I want to make this bigger, say 64, but I can not change what JK uses. If I open the Presonus control from JK and change the buffer size, after a few seconds JK switches it back to 16.
Does anyone have and idea on how I can change the ASIO buffer size that JK is setting? I even tried looking in the Audio.ini file but could not see where the 16 was coming from.
I am having the same problem using a Presonus R24 mixer as the audio interface. I set the buffer block size to 256 but as soon as I start a session, Jamkazam changes it to 16. It works but there are a lot of annoying artifacts in the sound. I keep trying to change it but it only changes back.
(04-12-2020, 02:36 PM)Pliny Wrote: I am having the same problem using a Presonus R24 mixer as the audio interface. I set the buffer block size to 256 but as soon as I start a session, Jamkazam changes it to 16. It works but there are a lot of annoying artifacts in the sound. I keep trying to change it but it only changes back. Yep, that is basically what I see. I can not find anywhere in the actual JK application to set the buffer size, and somewhere it seems to have 16 set, and that overrides what you set in the Presonus interface, afd as you say the sound is not good. Really anoying!
04-13-2020, 05:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 06:38 AM by Patrice Brousseau.)
My friend is also using an Audiobox USB and he gets the same 16 buffer... and his tracks have clicks and pops. I suggested to him to up his buffer but I understand it's not possible with the Presonus, oh well.
I am going to answer my own question somewhat, as I have managed to find a way through this and it may help someone else.
It seems to me the JK is setting the ASIO buffer size to what it thinks is good, in my case that was the default (or smallest) of 16, which in reality I know will give pops and bangs in use. There seems to be no direct way of setting the specific size that you want directly in JK, however if when it does the audio test it fails, it gives a link to a "tweek settings" below where the test results are. I could not get this as I always get green on the test, so I loaded the system with other apps so that the CPU was maxed out and then I managed to get the test to fail and could get to the link!!!!!
There are 3 options on the dialog that you get (can't remember exactly how they are labelled, but basically slow, medium, fast. It was on fast, so I changed to medium and JK changed to the ASIO buffer size to 256. I then toggled to slow and it set the buffer size to 128. These seem the wrong way round but no matter to achieves what you want in changing the ASIO buffer size to something more usable.
You can save all that and the restart the JK client and look at the ASIO setting dialog and prove that you are now seeing 256 or 128 depending on what you set. If that is all good, go into the test session and then open up from the Manage menu Audio Setting/Audio Booster. AS well as changing the buffer size JK will have changed "Maxium Outgoing Music Bitrate" and "Audio FrameSize", you can set those back to 320 and 2.5 respectively.
You should now be good to go!
Fro those interested the settings are stored in the Audio.ini file in the AppData area and if you grab copies for the file with different setting you can work out how to edit the file and change the ASIO buffer size as you need. Make sure you make a copy of the original before hacking around!
If anyone from JK is reading this, it would be great if the "tweek setting" link could be made available even when the test passed, then you could make the changing much easier.
(04-13-2020, 12:05 PM)Kjohnm Wrote: I am going to answer my own question somewhat, as I have managed to find a way through this and it may help someone else.
It seems to me the JK is setting the ASIO buffer size to what it thinks is good, in my case that was the default (or smallest) of 16, which in reality I know will give pops and bangs in use. There seems to be no direct way of setting the specific size that you want directly in JK, however if when it does the audio test it fails, it gives a link to a "tweek settings" below where the test results are. I could not get this as I always get green on the test, so I loaded the system with other apps so that the CPU was maxed out and then I managed to get the test to fail and could get to the link!!!!!
There are 3 options on the dialog that you get (can't remember exactly how they are labelled, but basically slow, medium, fast. It was on fast, so I changed to medium and JK changed to the ASIO buffer size to 256. I then toggled to slow and it set the buffer size to 128. These seem the wrong way round but no matter to achieves what you want in changing the ASIO buffer size to something more usable.
You can save all that and the restart the JK client and look at the ASIO setting dialog and prove that you are now seeing 256 or 128 depending on what you set. If that is all good, go into the test session and then open up from the Manage menu Audio Setting/Audio Booster. AS well as changing the buffer size JK will have changed "Maxium Outgoing Music Bitrate" and "Audio FrameSize", you can set those back to 320 and 2.5 respectively.
You should now be good to go!
Fro those interested the settings are stored in the Audio.ini file in the AppData area and if you grab copies for the file with different setting you can work out how to edit the file and change the ASIO buffer size as you need. Make sure you make a copy of the original before hacking around!
If anyone from JK is reading this, it would be great if the "tweek setting" link could be made available even when the test passed, then you could make the changing much easier. Good to know, I'll look for this file on my Mac.
I don't have a Presonus audio card, but I do have the same issue with my Apogee Quartet.
I can't set my buffer size to something other than 8.
I was able to get in the "tweaking your setup" page, where I tried slow, medium and fast settings. My buffer changed to 128 and 256 at that moment, but as soon as the audio engine starts in a session, it goes back to 8.
The first time (a few hours ago) I edited my audio.ini file to set the framesize to 440 instead of 110, it worked (but I had other troubles at that time). Now, when I edit that parameter in my audio.ini file, it goes back to 110 everything I start JK or start a session. I uninstalled JK and deleted the AppData folder, but the issue remained.
Please let me know if you have a clue for me.
I started a thread for this here:
Thank you !
(04-13-2020, 12:05 PM)johnm Wrote: I am going to answer my own question somewhat, as I have managed to find a way through this and it may help someone else.
It seems to me the JK is setting the ASIO buffer size to what it thinks is good, in my case that was the default (or smallest) of 16, which in reality I know will give pops and bangs in use. There seems to be no direct way of setting the specific size that you want directly in JK, however if when it does the audio test it fails, it gives a link to a "tweek settings" below where the test results are. I could not get this as I always get green on the test, so I loaded the system with other apps so that the CPU was maxed out and then I managed to get the test to fail and could get to the link!!!!!
There are 3 options on the dialog that you get (can't remember exactly how they are labelled, but basically slow, medium, fast. It was on fast, so I changed to medium and JK changed to the ASIO buffer size to 256. I then toggled to slow and it set the buffer size to 128. These seem the wrong way round but no matter to achieves what you want in changing the ASIO buffer size to something more usable.
You can save all that and the restart the JK client and look at the ASIO setting dialog and prove that you are now seeing 256 or 128 depending on what you set. If that is all good, go into the test session and then open up from the Manage menu Audio Setting/Audio Booster. AS well as changing the buffer size JK will have changed "Maxium Outgoing Music Bitrate" and "Audio FrameSize", you can set those back to 320 and 2.5 respectively.
You should now be good to go!
Fro those interested the settings are stored in the Audio.ini file in the AppData area and if you grab copies for the file with different setting you can work out how to edit the file and change the ASIO buffer size as you need. Make sure you make a copy of the original before hacking around!
If anyone from JK is reading this, it would be great if the "tweek setting" link could be made available even when the test passed, then you could make the changing much easier. Thank you for this post.
I have this problem on 4 different models of Presonus: AUDIOBOX USB 96, STUDIO 24C, AUDIOBOX IONE, and AUDIOBOX ITWO. Presonus is aware of the problem and is looking into it. As you can imagine, I was anxious to try your workaround.
I pushed the CPU utilization to 100% but when I repeatedly clicked on Resync, I did not get the test to fail and did not get the exception dialog.
I examined the audio.ini file and quickly realized that it would be a deep dive to hack the "slow, medium, fast" setting.
This is an acute showstopper for me, so I'm off to find an alternate brand of audio interface units in an attempt to get around this problem.
By the way, other than being overkill for most applications, the RME FireFace UFX+ has no problem interfacing with JamKazam.
Windows 10, Ultimate Performance Enabled,
04-23-2020, 01:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2020, 02:56 PM by Buk_Nekkid.)
I'm new trying to help another new user.
I have a friend that has the same buffer size issue with his Presonus Audio Box. The buffer size keeps reverting to 16 after he changes it in the ASIO panel by using the button within JK or from the Presonus Universal Controller icon in the task bar.
If anyone who has this audio interface working with JK at a different buffer size than 16, please let me know what their value for the frame size is in the Audio.ini - I note there's two instances referring to frame size.
Has anyone successfully edited the Audio.ini file to resolve this issue?
I tried the tweek option for slow, medium or fast as johnm saw, it is on the Direct Monitoring page. But when the profile is saved the buffer reverts back to 16 and/or crashes JK
Is there another way?  Different audio interface?
Grateful for any help I can get.
I know I've been posting this all over the place, but it seems to be the best solution until JK allows you to set your ASIO buffer size properly:
I run my audio in through a DAW (I use Reaper, its free) using ASIO4ALL or WASAPI in exclusive mode. You can do the same with and ASIO driver. From reaper, you can then set your buffer size properly. Send your audio tracks over to JK using hardware sends to a ReaRoute bus (there are other routing options around if you don't want to use Reaper - jack router, synchronous audio router, virtual audio cable, etc.) Use ReaRoute ASIO as your JK input and output. Create a track in Reaper to capture and send that JK output to your ears. Idea and instructions I found here:
On a mac, you can probably do the same thing with Loopback/Soundflower/Blackhole.