(12-26-2020, 10:40 PM)Dimitri Muskens Wrote: (12-26-2020, 08:34 PM)hhoffman Wrote: Computer: Dell XPS 15 9560 laptop
Windows: Windows 10 Home version 1909
After clicking "NEXT" in the "Add New Gear" screen, the screen becomes scrambled with unreadable text (see file attachment).
(Note: I found that if I copy and paste text to a Word document, I am able to clearly read the text.)
I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this problem.
Looks like your font size is rather too large.
With [ctrl] +/- you can change this up & down.
Also going to full screen for the app may help.
Tha nk you for your assistance, as this was very helpful in resolving my display problem.
This is what I found:
1. Using "[ctrl] +" made the font size larger, but did not unscramble the text, so it did not help.
2. Using "[ctrl] -" resulted in unscrambling the text but the font size was way too small
3. By turning on Windows Magnifier using "[Windows logo key] +" I was able to clearly see the text, unscrambled, at a setting of 300%.
Thank you once again for your assistance!
Wi$ng you a very Happy New Year!
-Harvey Hoffman