JamKazam Mac Client Release: Build 1.20 - “1.0.3682"

The Mac JamKazam app was updated today. It's Build 1.20 - "1.0.3680". To see the app version, select the JamKazam --> About JamKazam menu item. 

(From the official post here):

May 27th, 2020

Windows and Mac Client Updated:

  1. The May 22nd client introduced a bug that increased changes you would get NO AUDIO.    We have fixed the issue in this release.  We've also added more instrumentation in the client application so that JamKazam team gets more immediate information every time this happens, so 1) we can still work on more NO AUDIO scenarios, but also, to notice unusual upticks in this problem, so that we have faster feedback if we released a problematic version of the client app.
  2. Some % of users have a condition in which their audio stream gets corrupted, causing the user to have to click RESYNC after the corruption happens.     We now detect the corruption up-front, and auto-recover.

JamKazam Windows Client Release: Build 1.20 - “1.0.3733"

The Windows JamKazam app was updated today. It's Build 1.20 - "1.0.3733". To see the app version, select the JamKazam --> About JamKazam menu item. 

(From the official post here):

May 27th, 2020

Windows and Mac Client Updated:

  1. The May 22nd client introduced a bug that increased changes you would get NO AUDIO.    We have fixed the issue in this release.  We've also added more instrumentation in the client application so that JamKazam team gets more immediate information every time this happens, so 1) we can still work on more NO AUDIO scenarios, but also, to notice unusual upticks in this problem, so that we have faster feedback if we released a problematic version of the client app.
  2. Some % of users have a condition in which their audio stream gets corrupted, causing the user to have to click RESYNC after the corruption happens.     We now detect the corruption up-front, and auto-recover.

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