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Direct Monitoring and building up recordings
(04-28-2020, 05:21 PM)marhdeth Wrote: You would hear it in a solo session as well. In a solo session, you're inputs still get routed through JK and back to you. So if you have direct monitoring on in your interface, you'll hear it as the input hits the interface, and then again when JK spits it back out. Depending on your latency, that will sound like Patrice said: either a quick echo or they'll be on top of each other and sound weird and out of phase.
Thanks. Then I'm thinking that it is right. I'm sure I'll understand focusrite control one say and sing its praises when I understand how flexible it is. I think I must have a blind spot understanding routing as I find it a challenge in other programs

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RE: Silly question - Direct Monitoring On or Off? - by Nick Blair - 04-29-2020, 08:28 AM

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