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Apogee jamcompatibility
Hi guys

I used first generation Apogee Jam (not 96K previous one) in jamkazam on my Mac Air, which I have been using for 5-6 years and working well with Garageband and other recording softwares. 

Regarding jamkazam, i plugged that in and am able to use it in solo sessions without any problem. My latency was 10.73 which was quite good. 

However, when i tried to join a session with my bandmates, they were not able to hear me and i could not hear them as well. I see “no audio” warning on the screen regarding from other mates. Hey see thr sane comment regarding  e on their screens. 

Does anyone have any idea whether jamkazam may work with Apogee Jam? If yes, which version works well? 

I would appreciate your advises so much. Thanks.

I got an Apogee Ensemble on my Mac and working great too.

If you ear your sound in Solo session and when your friend comes in, they don’t ear you, thats means your sound does get of of your network. If the problem was your Apogee, you should not ear it in Solo Session.

Did you enable NPnP on your router?

Check my fix for OSx Sierra I found this morning... since then... everything going well.


Hoping this will help.

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