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New JK Crashes just after startup on Windows 7
Did you check if there are any (parts of) older/different audio drivers left on your system? Other than the ones your current audio interface/sound card needs?

Did you remove - physically and software/drivers - your audio gear from Jamkazam & your system? (than reconnect/reinstall and start fresh)

Jamkazam is under constant development and as we were explained (per the recent email) not all testing can be done 'in the lab' and some has to come from the field/users. This can be annoying but sofar I've (we) been able to make due with what was offered to us (for free). Mind you, my primary (only) use is to be able to play live/real time with my band mates in these difficult times. I understand that that was the main focus behind the development of Jamkazam.

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RE: New JK Crashes just after startup on Windows 7 - by Dimitri Muskens - 10-01-2020, 10:16 AM

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