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Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 3rd Gen getting started
I have a lenovo computer idea pad flex 5. I think it matches all specs. I have the focusrite plugged into a usb 3 port and the computer hard wired to the internet. At the first page of the gear test, it finds the Scarlett 2i2, chooses "same as input" though I don't see anything in the list of output ports. And nothing happens with the test window. With my guitar plugged into the Scarlet, I can hear it only if I have the I/O device set to direct monitor. What should I do?
Hi Jeff, and welcome,
First things: did you install the ASIO drivers for your Scarlett interface? The latest drivers are available here:
With the drivers and Focusrite Control app installed, I recommend opening Focusrite Control, and configure the Scarlett for 44,100KHz sample rate in the device settings page. It doesn't look like the buffer size is adjustable in the user manual. Search the forums here foe help with buffer settings, as I've seen related posts.
As for output, JamKazam assumes and usually defaults to stereo outputs, so no issue there, you're good.
To the right of the inputs / outputs section, the test window should run an internal test, first for latency (should be about 4-5ms), and then an Input/Output (I/O) test, which may show an error, but continue on through the Audio setup. Next will be configuring the 2 audio channels in JamKazam. This is a little funky, as JamKazam assumes tracks are stereo pairs, you just have to tell it they are not. For example, if your guitar is in Ch 1 on the 2i2, and a microphone is in Ch2, then configure the first JK stereo audio track selecting Ch 1 for the Left (L) track, and None for the R. Then add another Vocal JK stereo track, selecting Ch2 on the R and None on the L. I think that's how it goes, but it ay be a little backwards. Anyway, the goal is to end up with 2 mono tracks in JamKazam, one configured for the guitar, and one for your voice. Big assumption on my part that you want a voice track. The reason for that is for communicating with folks you're jamming with, even if you're not a "singer". Alternatively, you can use the Lenovo's microphone for chatting, but this will have a little latency compared with the jamming audio tracks, and may be difficult to hear yourself if you are wearing headphones during a jam.
Hopefully this will get you started. Next you can search the forums for help with guitar processing plugins and such.

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