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Latency Issue when running session, not when joining session
Hi everyone!

I’ve tried twice to run a jam with my band on JamKazam, and we are running into major latency issues. 

The first session’s reasons for failure were pretty common - guitar player using wi-fi, drummer Ethernet cable to DSL. Both using Focusrite Scarlett 2 whatever the model is.

Second session, today drummer was using SO’s internet, Ethernet to cable modem. Guitarist was doing the same. I have the same set up in terms of internet, and I am using a Focusrite Clarett 8PreX.

As far as I can tell, we have set up our audio gear correctly, with the possible exception of direct monitoring. The drummer still experiences the same latency issues, and the guitar player also has slight latency issues.

Interestingly enough, I have joined two sessions so far with no latency issues whatsoever.

So, what am Inor my cohorts doing wrong? Am I missing something when I do the set up?


"major latency issues"!?

What is major latency issues?

Have you not read the relevant data for audio interface latency. And the internet latency and the total latency between all the participants in your sessions?

It is impossible to come with a decent answer with such sparse information.

Look here, maybe

> https://forum.jamkazam.com/showthread.php?tid=171
(05-14-2020, 01:32 AM)Hans Peter Augustesen Wrote: "major latency issues"!?

What is major latency issues?

Have you not read the relevant data for audio interface latency. And the internet latency and the total latency between all the participants in your sessions?

It is impossible to come with a decent answer with such sparse information.

Look here, maybe

> https://forum.jamkazam.com/showthread.php?tid=171
Thanks Hans for the reply. Yes, I have read the relevant information on latency, and total latency. 

I am not a tech expert here and do not know what information I should be providing, hence the 'sparseness of the information'. That's why I post to the forum, which I thought was supposed to be a place where help could be asked for and given, not snark. So, what other information do you need?

Major Latency issues - I start a song and the drummer is off - he hears what I'm playing later than the actual playing. The guitar player has the same issue although the timing is a less off than the drummer. 

The drummers statistical information seems to show total latency in the 30ms range - his interface shows latency of around 10ms but the internet connection latency is longer - I apologize but I can't remember the exact information. He was showing up in the red.

The guitar's player information was better - he was often in yellow on the statistical information side during the session.
I don't know what other information I should be looking at. Please help.

The bigger question for me - I can join sessions and not experience latency and play along - at least that is what I experience, even when those people are showing up in the red, but I encounter latency with others when I run a session. Is there a setting I am missing when I run a session? Again, what information is needed to determine this?


You must then manage without my intervention/snark
(05-14-2020, 12:45 PM)Hans Peter Augustesen Wrote: "snark"!?

You must then manage without my help or snark

Well then, so be it. You weren't particularly helpful, anyway.

What I need and patience and help, not your attitude. Clearly, you don't seem to be willing to do that.

Hopefully, someone else will be willing to help.

Have an excellent day/night.

It sounds to me that you may well be listening in direct monitor mode. When you are playing in other sessions and you don't experience latency, do the other session members find you're in time with them? Or do they not and don't say? 30msec is the equivalent of about 10m physical distance so it's only a very small lag. If you're in direct monitoring, you will be playing in time to everyone else as you hear it but be slightly late to everyone else. In your own band sessions if more than one of you is in direct monitoring you can be wandering all over the place. I'm saying this because it's not an easy concept to pick up at first and not all interfaces allow indirect monitoring. We're just getting our band set up and I'm going to take care to find a way to have everybody on indirect! Hope that helps and perhaps is slightly more polite than the other chap.
(05-14-2020, 02:20 PM)mark@butterill.plus.com Wrote: It sounds to me that you may well be listening in direct monitor mode. When you are playing in other sessions and you don't experience latency, do the other session members find you're in time with them? Or do they not and don't say? 30msec is the equivalent of about 10m physical distance so it's only a very small lag. If you're in direct monitoring, you will be playing in time to everyone else as you hear it but be slightly late to everyone else. In your own band sessions if more than one of you is in direct monitoring you can be wandering all over the place. I'm saying this because it's not an easy concept to pick up at first and not all interfaces allow indirect monitoring. We're just getting our band set up and I'm going to take care to find a way to have everybody on indirect! Hope that helps and perhaps is slightly more polite than the other chap.

Thanks, Mark!
I'll work with the band on that concept - it slipped under the radar for me. It's not very clear on my Clarett 8PreX about how to disable direct monitoring - I think I have mine disabled (through Focusrite Control I click on the Custom Mix and that gives me just the Clarett, and it switches off the routing to the DAW), but I'm not really sure and I can't find anything that says do it exactly this way.


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