Please excuse a newbie question, but I have hit a problem after setting up my equipment and record a track in JamKazam. According to your video, to record a second track I go into that session and click the "Make a Recording" button. But on my system I don't see that button, which the video says should be at the bottom of the second column (called "live tracks" in the video but called "other live tracks" in my system - please see attached.)
I see how to open an audio file while I'm in a session, thank you. However, what I want to do is play this recording as one track while I record a second track. Opening an audio file only plays it back - it doesn't add it to the "Other Audio" column so I can work with it. Furthermore, your tutorial indicates there should be a "Make a Recording" button at the bottom of the second column.
05-06-2020, 03:03 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 03:47 PM by Nick Blair.)
Personally I can see why you might want to do it. Ok it may not be built for recording with oneself but it is not hard to do. There is a very quick video here - - which shows the process
1 Open a solo session 2 Record whatever you want and save the file - I have called it TakeOne. Doesn't matter if it's Public or not 3 Two ways to go here one has more steps (the video is the second way) 4 FIRST WAY: Your recording is already saved at c:\users\YOURNAME\Music\JamKazam\Recordings\LONGNUMBEREDFOLDERS\Longnumberedfoldername 5 Still in your session go to AUDIO FILE and navigate to c:\users\YOURNAME\Music\JamKazam\Recordings\LONGNUMBEREDFOLDERS\Longnumberedfoldername using the up arrows etc and find the folder that you have just created using the DateModified column to find the right folder 6 Open that folder and choose the RT-mix.WAV or RT-Mix.ogg file which is what you have just recorded 7 You can then choose Record and play along to your hearts content and then save that one and then do the same again ad infinitum or until you run out of disk space or ideas or life
8 SECOND WAY: Do 1 and 2 above but this time leave the session 9 Go to File Manager at the bottom and choose the thing you have recorded and click Export 10 Export copies from c:\users\YOURNAME\Music\JamKazam\Recordings\ into c:\users\YOURNAME\Documents\JamKazam\Recordings\ but this time the folders are named with the name you chose to save the original file. More steps in this but easier to navigate 11 Audio Files remembers where you last looked to play a file so you are always close to navigate to the file you want