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Jamkazam not recognizing network connection
I have tried numerous times to connect to others on JK, and it will not recognize my network connection. Everything works fine for solo session and recording it.  During a band session, I see bandmates and they me, but get no audio transfer from or to me when in a session.  When i check a friend online, their latency shows unknown.

Windows 10, Fios gateway router, UDP 12000-12010 showing open (and I have configured JK to always start there, I have no firewall active, verified public ip with Verizon.  

The only active network connection on my computer is ethernet, and the test still cannot recognize it as wired, and despite no active wifi adapter, asks me to check anyway via wifi and then craps out and sends me to a broken support link.  

I have rebooted and completely reset my router, tested for the UDP ports to be open and they are.  I have tried plugging the network cable into a different port on router, I have completely wiped my computer and freshly installed windows again, and still no dice.  What else could be messing with JamKazam from finding my computer?

Help!  It has now been over 40 hours trying to fix this - my entire band can get on but me.   Log file attached. 
I cannot get network test to initialize.  "No network test servers are available".   Final step in set up.  Been trying a hundred times over last 24 hours. Sad 
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

"5. TEST NETWORK is not working for the moment.

Just ignore for the moment - and proceed !!!

JamKazam try to fix it. It was proclamated for a couple of days ago (and several other times, I think)
It should be a complicated matter.
It can take weeks or months, I believe.

TEST NETWORK tell about the quality and quantity of the internet connection.
For example how may particitants the connection can support in a session; audio and video.

When I did TEST NETWORK - when it work - my connection could support 8 in a session + 3 or 4 of them with video

Some connections can only support for example 3 with 1 video

I have never heard about a connection that can support more than 8.

Keep that in mind! You will learn by the hard way - sessions breaks apart"

Frequent topics, in short

Another time, please simply search for - test network - and similar

That will save peoples time, calories, bandwith, hard drive space and so
Thumbs Up 
(05-05-2020, 12:35 AM)bzzzofff@comcast.net Wrote: I cannot get network test to initialize.  "No network test servers are available".   Final step in set up.  Been trying a hundred times over last 24 hours. Sad 
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Hans-  thank you.  I had "ass"umed that I could not logon, create or join until I completed tests.  Rest is good.  Green w  7ms latency so far......           Smile
Yes, I would assume that too.

Then now we are at least two - my audio interface is also 7ms . That is alright

But I will likely lower the buffer size - and get a little lower latency, we will see

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