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JamKazam doesn't receive signal from any of my inputs
HI Pasi -

I mean I have a mixer app that is included with my interface, and in order to hear Jamkazam correctly, I must mute the monitor(s) for each input I am using. This is called "dis-abling direct monitoring".

I rarely need to use the Jamkazam Power Mixer. Most of the time the in-session mixer is all I need.

Since we know that your Helix does work, then we can move on to troubleshooting the software. We don't need to be concerned with the Mac internal settings either, since Garageband works. That does not mean that ALL of the software settings are correct, so you should review that thread that GDJ linked to.

I suggest you delete the Jamkazam audio profile(s) you have now, and start fresh, with no extra software running. If you run into a snag, post here again and give detailed info about your software (Mac version, Helix driver version, JK client version, etc).

Messages In This Thread
RE: JamKazam doesn't receive signal from any of my inputs - by Zlartibartfast - 01-24-2021, 06:23 PM

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