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Audible clicks from Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen.
Hi folks, I have the same problem as you, JK automatically sets my interface buffer size (A&H, ZedR16) to 32 samples and sometimes the audio beggins to clipping. But I discovered that there is a way to be able to work with such a small buffer size. For this, when we are in a session, we must go to "Manage" (located above, on the left of the screen), Audio Settings, Audio Booster. There we must deselect Audio Stream, also we can set the Music Bitrate to 128Kbit/s and we can set the Audio Frame size to 5 or 10. Determining these parameters helped my audio stop sounding broken, and then my JK issues were over. Well, I hope this information is useful. Greetings from Argentina!
We can modify the number of the framesize audio and leave it in a place where it allows us to have low latency and that the sound does not clip.

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RE: Audible clicks from Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen. - by jotamuk - 07-01-2020, 10:04 AM

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