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New User can only hear vocals, not guitars
Hello. I apologize if someone has already asked this, but I searched the forum and couldn't find it, so here goes.

I'm using a 2i2 and a Mac Mini. In Input 1 I have a dynamic mic; in Input 2 my bass (no patches). 

My buddy is using an identical 2i2 and a MacBook. In Input 1 he has a dynamic mic; in Input 2 his guitar (no patches).

We can join a session together and hear each other through our mics and see each other on video, but neither of us can hear the other's instrument. Switching off Direct Monitoring doesn't change anything. We switched the mic and guitar inputs but still no luck.

Do we need patches? Any other ideas?

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
New User can only hear vocals, not guitars - by jeffdanielski - 07-08-2024, 02:29 AM

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