(11-17-2020, 08:54 PM)jamjam Wrote: You can download the Linux beta here - https://jamkazam-repo.s3.amazonaws.com/jk_linux.tar.xz. This beta does not have video support.
1. Expand the file change to the directory
2. Run the app by running ./run.sh
3. You can run with elevated realtime privilege which gives for steadier IO rate by modifying the run command to
Thank you. That is great news. After months of lockdown, not having video sounds a positive thing to me.
I have downloaded a copy. I will give it a go as soon as I can set aside some time.
That said, it might take me a while to do that. I need to update the operating system, which should have libm.so.6 version 2.27. I'm thinking Christmas might be quiet this year! I hope that will be soon enough.
A few questions pop into mind.
- Where would you like me to send feedback? I am comforatble using JIRA or similar.
- What information are you interested in at this stage? I presume Operating System version, audio/JACK configuration, but what about bugs, performance and latency (if I can think of a way to measure that)?