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Jamkazam is moving onto Paid Subscriptions. Donors and volunteers' thoughts?
Hi, everyone. 

I just tried opening Jamkazam on my mobile device and found the updated jamkazam webpage showing planned monthly pricing for a number of subscription tiers. 


Free versions would be limited to 4hrs/month, with each session being limited to 1hr/month, and three paid tiers being offered. 

I understand that Jamkazam now has a sizable community of users and assume that there are cost involved in hosting servers, maintenance and development etc. So Jamkazam finding a sustainable way of growth is something I've been looking forward to, and I believe this wish is shared among many. 

My question is rather, if the existing members had received any newsletters or announcement regarding this change, ESPECIALLY the volunteers and the donors who is helping Jamkazam reach their fundraising goal and more. (no-strings-attached, goodwill donations as far as what I can see)
Seeing the updated page on the plans and pricing without having received any announcement or newsletter, should come as a lack of transparency and consistency to the donors and volunteers, if not all users who are helping to improve Jamkazam by effectively beta testing it as they use it, and actively sending crash reports etc.  
If I may point out as an example, the 'Most Popular' highlight on the middle tier paid subscription plan on their website - I assume this is a common marketing practice yet is a false statement, as nobody on Jamkazam so far could've been a paid subscriber as the plans are listed as 'coming soon' at the time of this posting. Therefore there cannot be any data on which plan is the most popular. 
  • Fellow users, have you received any announcement or newsletter regarding the coming paid subscription plans? 
  • And to the Jamkazam operators, would you share/comment on my concerns regarding the lack of communication on your planned change into a paid subscription service, especially for those who has been volunteers and donors?
  • And again, the community of people who make Jamkazam such a lively and noisy place - what are your thoughts?

Thanks and greetings to everyone, 

- Yoon


Messages In This Thread
Jamkazam is moving onto Paid Subscriptions. Donors and volunteers' thoughts? - by Yoon Lee - 10-25-2020, 09:53 PM
Impact of audio stream quality rates? - by DaveK - 12-04-2020, 09:37 PM
JK moving to paid subscription - by Jonasg - 12-04-2020, 11:12 PM

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