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Win10 audio input not working
I have Asio4all installed, and whether I use that for input & output, or I just use the explicit windows driver for input, I can't get any audio input.  This is just a plain Win10 machine which I'm using to show others about Jamkazam via Zoom; I'm only using vocal for audio and don't plan to attach any instruments or audio interfaces.  The kicker is that everything worked properly until I ran Zoom at the same time, and now I can't get audio in.  I've rebooted numerous times, reinstalled the speaker & microphone drivers and Asio4all, and nothing helps.  Zoom is shut off when I try to get input.  I get output properly, just not input.  Any ideas?  TIA

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Win10 audio input not working - by ersherin - 09-29-2020, 05:12 PM

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