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MIDI channel dissapeared, not able to add MIDI channel again

Suddenly the MIDI channel dissapeared from Audio Gear configuration.
I try to add a MIDI channel and select MIDI interface and VST.
But when I select any other instrument but "Electric guitar" it resets the selections I made (including Instrument).
If I only select MIDI interface and VST (without selecting Instrument) and click OK, window closes but no MIDI channel is added.

Is this a limitation of free suscription?

Any suggestions?

I don't know if it matters whether you are a free player or a payer.

I'm a gold subscriber and I have the same problem. 4 different computers, 5 different interfaces, more than a dozen JK client updates.

I can usually get it to work one time, then at the next session the MIDI port is gone. I put in a trouble ticket on this issue, but frankly I don't expect it to be corrected anytime soon. Most JK users are using audio only, so the devs are prioritizing audio issues over MIDI issues (I think, but I do not have actual knowledge of what they're doing).

For me, I have a lot of hardware synths to use, and I don't care much for playing VST's live due to latency issues, so I just abandoned the whole MIDI track thing.

sorry for the bad news
I have an update:

I have my MIDI track restored (again). After receiving the latest update, I started a private session, then went into the Power Mixer (Manage/Audio Settings/Pro Audio Mixer) and performed a trick that's been mentioned before on this forum:

down in the lower section, where your various inputs are displayed, uncheck MIDI "in/out" then uncheck "mVST". This will bring up a window where your MIDI and VST settings are displayed in detail. Simply re-enable MIDI and save everything, et back inot your private session window, then you should see that your MIDI track is back.

I don't expect this to stick, because I've done it before only to see the MIDI track disappear later.

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