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What internet speed up/down do I really need?
Based on my experience with a DSL user who could play duets but not quartets, and what the Audio Booster dialog shows in the top line, I suggest this formula:

(players in session - 1)  * (max music bitrate + 0.3 kbit/packet * max packet rate)

So if there are 4 in the band, sending 256 kbps audio in 400 packets per second, that's

(4 - 1) * (256 kbps + 0.3 kbit/packet * 400 packets/sec) = 3 * (256 + 120) kbps = 1.13 Mbps

both ways. The bandmate with 1 Mbps upload capacity should either upgrade their Internet service, or limit music bitrate to 128 kbps and consider limiting packet rate to 200/sec (5 ms frame size).

Edit: If your upload capacity is double the minimum, you'll be less vulnerable to temporary fluctuations in network performance.

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RE: What internet speed up/down do I really need? - by Mike Garrahan - 08-21-2020, 04:15 PM

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