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qualifying audio gear (newbie question) - Printable Version

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qualifying audio gear (newbie question) - Ian (France) - 05-04-2020

I have set up my audio gear, or least I have an audio profile (nothing fancy, I'm waiting for my audio interface, so just mic and speakers).

I'm told I'm all set (latency "fair" and IO green but that is to be seen, more questions coming!) so I'm looking around now, at the sessions for example and my latency with the musicians is given, either poor or unacceptable (I'll see when I get my behringer, or I fix my web connexion !) or unknown (not scored with this user yet - when does this happen?) ....

but I also see a comment that my latency is an average, not my own latency because I haven't qualified any gear - I don't understand this - apologies if there is a thread somewhere for this, there should be as it is quite basic I would think.


RE: qualifying audio gear (newbie question) - Hans Peter Augustesen - 05-04-2020

Dont use speaker - use headphone

Your microphone will catch up the sound from the speakers.

That will give all the other people in the session a nasty loopback/feedbach/echo.

Use only headphone - in short

Look here, maybe

> https://forum.jamkazam.com/showthread.php?tid=171

and here

Persons Stats: Image from "find session" etc.
> https://forum.jamkazam.com/showthread.php?tid=664

RE: qualifying audio gear (newbie question) - Ian (France) - 05-04-2020

yes, thanks for the tip, I am waiting for my new headphones, as well as the audio interface - I did read your thread on latency, very helpful but I don't need that, YET... it seems to be that the system doesn't want to evaluate my latency - my question isn't "how do I improve my latency?" but "how do I get the system to recognise my latency and tell me what it is"....
when I set up the audio profile, with ( mic and speakers :/ ) it arrived at a figure of 20 ms for the latency (and good I/O !), which I don't think I trust..... and then I am told that when evaluating my joint latency with other musicians the system cannot use my latency because I haven't qualified any gear - I am puzzled.... and I don't want to (try to) join sessions if my setup is not acceptable, which I can't evaluate (and then maybe fix with your advice).

is that clearer ?!

ok, sorry Hans Peter, I've just seen your second link "find session" and you show the statistics.... but when I see the statisticsĀ (jount stats with another musician, anyone) that first line doesn't give MY latency, because I am told I haven't qualified any gear - maybe I have to wait? I set up the audio profile last week.

thanks for the explanation about "unknown" - I have to wait to see, ok

many thanks

it's ok, someone heard me.... I've looked again and I can see MY latency and that of another another musician, as in the image you sent.... so I don't see the comment that I have no audio gear setup..... I was right, I just had to wait a little longer before posting my question today Smile

thanks for the reply