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Now - PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS? - Printable Version

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Now - PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS? - Tony Diamond - 12-05-2020

So we just got an email from Jamkazam basically saying that they are converting to a paid subscription service. They will offer a "free" option but with extremely reduced audio quality and greatly reduced usage time, users in a session and monthly maximums that make it pretty useless.

I'm not opposed to as subscription service. But if I'm going to pay, I feel that the stability of Jamkazam has to VASTLY improve. There are been so many problems in the past 2 months with each update that it is now way worse than it was back in the summer. We have not had a trouble-free session in months. Mostly we've just given up.  The beta testing program has to be completely revised - no update should be sent out and forced upon users unless fully tested by a smaller group of beta testers. We shouldn't have to pay to be beta testers here. Before such paid service is introduced, Jamkazam really should have a stable release out there before asking people to pay.